
Wellness For All Learning Systems

Proudly introduces the Outrageous, Passionate, Rebel with a Cause, Founder and Director: Patricia Gough

Pat’s Story

Get To
Know Me.

Patricia Gough, Founder and Director, of this digital workshop series is an experienced educator who spent 18 years in the classroom and 12 years in administration. Her passion for life is integrating the arts into the soul of education, along with providing evidence-based well-grounded practices in well-being. Her strong background and interest in the arts and building strong, collaborative school communities was calling Pat to follow her dream: writing meaningful, evidence based, well researched programs to help build healthy communities.

Practice Makes Perfect

Pat’s Diversified Experiences

good to know.

left traditional education and her elementary Principal position behind, to write curriculum and present workshops for the Ministry of Education (integrated arts program called ArtsAround) and for the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. (Farm to Table projects)

Work Experience.

Educational Activist with over 40 years of experience (Teacher, Coordinator, Consultant, Vice-Principal and Principal)


travelled with teams of professionals (ToPs), across Ontario, researching best practices, around the economics of Human Development, Well-being and Brain-Based Learning.

Knowledge is everything

My Skills


web design

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product design

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more about me


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