I am Patricia Gough! Radical brain hacker...
…who thrives on helping teachers cope with change in creative ways. I believe in a holistic integrated approach to education that enhances and enriches the lives of children and touches the souls of teachers.
Our Team can teach you practices that lead to transformation in and out of the classroom.
Expect to notice the awesomeness of the ‘arts around’ you.
Once you notice the beauty in the ‘arts around’ you, you can dive deeper to respect the ‘art of well being’ from within.
As George Courous suggests: “Learning is creation. Not consumption!”
I can help you find your focus in a world of distraction: to rethink education.
Don’t believe me? Don’t think I can help make your life in the classroom or virtual classroom easier, more fulfilling and rewarding?
Then listen to the wisdom from one of the world’s outstanding futurists, Alvin Toffler: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Recognize shades of Yoda, here?
Join us on the greatest personal & professional journey, where you will finally learn how to see and realize that everything connects to everything else!
Our team will lead you to successful results through inspiring content; new classroom approaches; years of powerful research of best practices from experts; quick picker uppers; de-stressors; appreciation of the arts and self care; trial and error by test driving effective systems of management; hooking you up with methods that help reinstate joy and a newly found purpose in a world order that has shattered our outdated systems of operation.
Together we can create, cultivate, and celebrate, through innovation, collaboration, and transformation! The overall message presented on ReThink.Ed is engaging, innovative work…
Arts + Well Being = An Authentic Blend: Appreciating the Beauty Around Us and Inside Us

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