Catholic Wellness Workshops
Wellness for All
Positive psychology is used as the science of well-being,
while building collaborative communities.
Weaving Well Being
Teacher Guides and Reports
Online Wellness Workhops
24/7 from a computer, tablet, or mobile, and require no overhead!
For Educators
Catholic Distinctiveness
The Wellness for All Workshop Series has been created, researched, and designed by an experienced Catholic educator, Patricia Gough. Pat has experience as a former classroom teacher, Vice-Principal and Principal. Staff members who use our K to Grade 8 workshops now, will benefit from professional development and wellness strategies, which focus on Christ’s teachings and fulfilling spiritual needs.
The Wellness for All Learning System grew into the wonderful program it is today, by teaching new habits and reinforcing Catholic values, as well as morals, virtues, and character strengths. The staff receive links to excellent examples of what Catholic schools are doing across Canada and around the world: acting as a great connection to other Catholic educational communities. This district of schools in Saskatchewan (Christ the Teacher Catholic Schools) celebrates their Catholic history and culture, similar, to Ontario by:

- making Christ known to each child.
- arousing the child’s inner spiritual dynamism.
- discovering the value of each human person: loved by God, with a mission on earth and a destiny that is immortal.
- awakening the light of faith so each child may discover God’s presence in their lives, and God’s work on earth through the actions of others.
- bringing faith, culture, and life into harmony.
By visiting Catholic schools, consulting with teachers, parents, and volunteers, and gathering research from many Catholic sources like the Ontario Catholic Policy Document for Religious Education, this Wellness for All Workshop series encourages teachers to integrate their learnings and new habits in wellness lessons, with their faith at many levels.
When children walk the Warrior Way (a walking track inside their school) to calm their anger, frustration, worries, and stress by: reading powerful Catholic quotes; learning a new prayer; saying a decade of the rosary; or listening to a meditation or Gregorian chant; that nurtures their troubled souls, their faith is being practiced. Every student is on a Collaborative Learning Team, so they are surrounded by a support network who has been taught active listening skills when showing empathy towards each other. In that moment, they are doing the work of Christ. We want children to understand that “prayer is a spiritual adventure.” We want them to get personal, with Jesus! They are also taught to choose an ‘accountability partner,’ who encourages and cheers them on to meet their deadlines.
With schools today being so fast paced and even overwhelming, Wellness for All Workshops have strategies in place that staff and students can integrate into school, faith, and life. Of course, along with that is the fact that through all of these activities, relationships grow with friends, themselves, and their God. By practicing wellness together, participants conform into the image and likeness of Jesus more and more. That closeness is what makes us healthier. And the good news is that we never arrive. We are always working towards a state of grace, and on our way to another level of wellbeing. Jesus is telling us that it is not just about our personal salvation; it is about all of us becoming part of God’s family, following him, and sharing in everlasting life.
A deep connection for Wellness Workshops and Catholic Curriculum is a sense of boldness in proclaiming the Gospel and the confidence to witness to the gratuitous nature and personal encounter with the Gospel of Jesus. However, this will first require new tools, daily habits that include self-evaluation, reflection, and boosting social-emotional skills. When everyone speaks the same language and practices the same habits, what better way to grow as a community, than to ask Parents to participate In Wellness for All Workshops, too. My Wellness Journal is used by every staff member, student and parent so sharing and discussing, becomes part of dinner conversations in homes, too. The Wellness for All learning System makes a real contribution in promoting authentic education, instruction in the faith, and in witness to the common good! Consider this terrific opportunity for your school! Learn more about WFA and Patricia Gough here.
The Four Pillars of Wellness for All

Taking a closer look
With Wellness for All Workshops, 20 weeks of empowering, fun activities provide everything you need to implement in your school or at home.
For a closer look at some of the valuable content in our workshop, download the overview of Week 1 from The Changing Landscape of Learning for Catholic Elementary Students.
Taking a closer look
Wellness for All Workshops offer three evidence-based assessments for all students, with three separate scores, to help staff determine the weaknesses and strengths of each pupil. This supports ‘Individualized Personal Pupil Plans’ for improvement. You will administer the first round of questionnaires in Month 1, half-way through the workshops and after completion.
Ongoing assessments in the form of Charts, Anecdotal Records and Rubrics are also included in the WFA Series. Here is one example of a Rubric for each level.
Workshop Feature
Our workshop series provides evidence-based, daily wellness, lifelong lessons in an easy to use platform and features:
- Access from a computer, tablet, or smartphone
- Easy to follow workshop instructions and navigation
- Track student lesson completion progress
- Assessments provide measureable results
- Instructors have access to guides and reports
- Online access for educators, staff, students, and parents available
- Many more features! Ask us for a demo...

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A member of our team will be in touch within 24 – 48 business hours to discuss the next steps.